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It was at drupa 2012 that Landa first showed its nanographic printing concept, and a dozen years later the company is now selling presses, although not in ANZ, and will release two new versions at this drupa.

When the presses become available here is largely unknown, when Print21 asked, Landa said it will be sometime between next year and the next drupa. With what it says is $1bn invested in its nanographic presses, Landa has a lot to sell before it begins to recoup even part of its investment.

New for drupa: Landa S11
New for drupa: Landa S11

Landa’s nanography works by jetting tiny particles of ink onto a blanket, drying it, and then transferring the image to paper. It says unlike conventional inkjet no water comes into contact with the paper, meaning a punchier image, in fact it claims to be offset quality at offset speed.

At this drupa, Landa will show new versions of the two presses it has installed, of which it says 55 have so far gone in, to printers in the US, Europe and China, with the new S11 for folding carton printing and the S11P for commercial printing to be launched at the show.

The two presses will run at 11,200 sheets an hour, which is 35 per cent faster than the current models, printing an A1 sheet, with inline coating and printing two sides at once, or duplexing.

At drupa the company will also show what it says will be “a glimpse into the future” with its W11 flexible packaging press.

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