Access Print Solutions and sister company Graphic Print are in voluntary administration, with the general commercial printers calling in the suits to try and rescue the businesses.
Both are significant sized print businesses, with around 50 staff each. Access is based in Granville, NSW, while Graphic Print, which is one of only three Australian companies running heatset web, is located in Richmond, and in North Plympton, both in SA.

Access was about to celebrate its twentieth anniversary, it was founded in July 2004 by Mark Holmes and Norbert D’Souza. It bought Adelaide’s Graphic Print, which was established in 1961, back in 2015, and then bought Wayne Sidwelll’s Adelaide heatset operation Cadillac Printing a year later, and integrated that into Graphic Print.
The administrator is now though running the businesses, and looking to restructure them with either a Deed of Company Arrangement (DOCA), or by implementing a Going Concern Sale of Business.
First meeting of creditors is scheduled for Friday, with the second creditors meeting set to take place four to six weeks later. The administrator says it is too early to tell if unsecured creditors will see any of their invoices paid.
The directors of the companies cited poor economic trading conditions, a significant cost expenditure with respect to various premises leases, and outstanding statutory taxation obligations as the reasons for they placed the companies into administration
Graphic Print runs a 16 page heatset web, a five-over-five stacked B1 Komori, two five-colour B1 presses, and digital print systems.
Access offers a diverse range of printing, packaging and promotional services. It has a raft of external accreditations, including ISO 12647-2 and Sustainable Green print.
The company has offset, digital and inkjet wide-format print technology on site, with its high-tech print operation using Prinergy workflow and CIP4 data to drive its trio of fully automated presses.
The company was about to celebrate its twentieth anniversary, it was founded in July 2004 by Mark Holmes and Norbert D’Souza. It bought Adelaide’s Graphic Print in 2015. Holmes and D’Souza, together with their wives, are the shareholders.