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A change in the law on workplace standards means that print bosses who fail to implement measures to mitigate against sexual harassment or bullying can be fined, even if nothing has happened.

Surprising details from survey: Kellie Northwood, CEO, VIsual Media Association
Proactive approach necessary: Kellie Northwood, CEO, Visual Media Association

Now following an amendment to the law in regard to harassment, the Visual Media Association has released an online seminar and relevant tools and resources for customisation and implementation into printshops. Click here to go to the online seminar.

The VMA says the new legislation has introduced a positive duty on employers to eliminate workplace sexual harassment, gender discrimination and gender-based harassment, conduct that amounts to subjecting a person to a hostile workplace environment on the ground of gender, and certain acts of victimisation.

Crucially the new legislation makes it incumbent on employers shift their focus to actively preventing workplace gender harassment and discrimination, rather than responding only after it occurs. It is a legal obligation, and says VMA, requires a proactive approach from employers, which is why it has created the seminar, available to watch any time, and the templates.

Kellie Northwood, CEO, VMA, said, “Our industry carries a strong track record across compliance to these matters and we want this to continue. The webinar is available publicly for all of industry, with additional support across templated policies and checklists for members. I urge every business across the industry to watch the webinar and continue to implement the Respect@Work requirements within your companies.

“This is not a one-off administrational process, we need to continue our discussions and programs throughout the year with all employees and build positive duty into our organisational cultures.”

Charles Watson, GM – IR, Policy & Governance, VMA, said, “Against the backdrop of the #MeToo movement in 2018 and in recognition of the ongoing prevalence of sexual harassment, the former government held a national inquiry resulting in a wide variety of recommendations.

“With these legislative amendments the current government has sought to move from a reactive to a proactive approach to the issue. This results in employers having positive duties to eliminate, as far as possible, sexual harassment and related victimisation from occurring within workplaces.”

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