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Digital cutting systems developer Zünd will officially open its new Australian showroom and service centre next month, with a launch party on Thursday 13 March.

Managing director Zund Australia: Dale Hawkins
Managing director Zünd Australia: Dale Hawkins

Local managing director, well known industry identity Dale Hawkins, will be joined on the big day by Oliver Zünd, CEO of the Swiss-based business. Hawkins said, “The visit shows how important the market here is to the company. Our customers will be able to talk directly to the head of the company.

“Zünd has established direct subsidiaries in many locations, including the US, UK, Benelux, Spain, France, and Brazil. It is a model it believes in, and knows how to run successfully.

“For the local industry, it gives direct access to the factory, and means our service technicians are dedicated to Zünd. They are all factory trained.”

Located in Melbourne, Zünd’s new down under centre will have both a G3 and S3 cutter on the floor for the launch. The Zünd S3 and G3 lines are the most popular Zünd cutters in the ANZ print industry.

Smart solutions: Zund at Fespa
Smart cutting solutions: Zünd S3

As well as showroom and head office, the new facility also carries spare parts. Hawkins, who has worked with Zünd for 15 years, said, "Zünd provides quality cutting through its quality engineering, the machines are known for their longevity, there are some in ANZ that have been in operation for 20 years. Zünd is also known for its software expertise. Cutting can be a complex process, Zünd has invested heavily in software to ensure that as far as the operator is concerned it is straightforward."

Oliver Zünd said, "With Zünd Australia, we can support our existing and new customers directly and competently. The close cooperation with the new branch allows us to strengthen our market position in Australia. Zünd Australia enables us to continue to offer our Australian customers the best possible care in the long term. The team on site has a lot of experience with our cutting solutions. This will enable us to further improve advice and customer service."

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